Monday, July 11, 2011

It's CSA Season! : Garlic Scapes

I am happy to report that I have received my first ever CSA share! While feeling a tad overwhelmed by the sea of options out there, I stumbled across this farm and knew it was meant to be when I read that one of the drop off locations is the bakery down the street from my office. Plus these Maine folks offer the coveted half share which enables me to actually consume what I am given. Sorry Whole Foods, but this produce is way more fun and inspiring! 
Besides thoroughly enjoying several varieties of leafy greens, I can now sing the praises of garlic scapes as well! These are the tendrils that farmers remove as they distract the garlic plant from creating a nice, big bulb. So what to do with these curly q's? When in doubt, make pesto. If you are a garlic lover, consider yourself to be falling head over heels in l'amour again. I can't promise you no bad breath but the garlic taste is lighter and more flavorful rather than overly piquant which I can only imagine garlic clove pesto would be. Thanks to my BFF, the food processor, the dish takes about 5 seconds to make. I used this recipe and subbed in pinenuts since there were on hand. One could easily stop here but I went all out and made pizza. I spread the pesto on store-bought ready-to-bake dough, and topped it with fresh mozzarella, artichoke hearts, and roasted red peppers. Garlicky goodness in every bite!

Images via: Me

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