Sunday, June 3, 2012

Homegrown Vermont

Hello, hello! Well, I am happy to report that spring is in full bloom - even in the chilliest corners of the country, a.k.a Vermont! We took a jaunt up north to see the play Jules's mother was stage managing and in addition to a healthy dose of culture, we got to enjoy all the lovely trimmings of the season. Much of the fields and forest that surrounds their family homestead was covered in big ferns which gave the scenery a jungle like quality. In typical Vermont fashion, the weather was cloudy and a tad cold but it's nothing some warm, fire grilled bread won't solve! Made down the road in the community bread oven, this brings a whole new meaning to rustic.

When Jules's mother is not helping put on the latest local play, she is making delightful Tarentaise cheese at Spring Brook Farm. Mild yet so flavorful, I can never get enough!

Over in the garden was the prettiest peony I ever did see. The one blossom had pastel peach, cream, and pink hues.

We harvested some rhubarb to make dessert. I love these huge leaves with yellow veins.
The black raspberries were on their way, they come fairly early in the season.
 Perhaps my all time favorite flower, the poppies were as cheerful as ever. That color simply cannot be beat. Don't the petals look like tissue paper?

At first glance, the hilltop looks like it has grass only but I was amazed to find furry orange moss, wild strawberries and funny, spindly dandelions.
 Here's the side of the barn and some peonies-to-be. I can't wait for more outdoor summer adventures!

1 comment:

  1. The bread/cheese look amazing. Add a little bit of red wine and an assortment of meats and you've got your self a nice Saturday lunch. Nice pictures too; the rich greens really make the orange and pink flowers pop out.


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